from my notebook

My head is full of thoughts, and I have to write them down.

Archive for the tag “Five Love Languages”

God’s Love Language

English: Love question

Gary Chapman wrote a bestseller years ago about our Five Love Languages: words of affirmation, quality time, receiving gifts, acts of service, and physical touch.  In essence, whichever one or two of those five things we most do for others to express our love, is our love language and how we most likely will best receive love from others.

I thought about this last week while reading the December 30th entry in Philip Yancey’s Grace Notes.  He quoted a profound question he was asked by someone during a difficult time in his life, “Philip, do ever just let God love you?”

My question is, how does God love us?  Can you apply one of those five love languages to how he has loved you?  Are you letting him love you?

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