from my notebook

My head is full of thoughts, and I have to write them down.

Archive for the tag “relationship with God”

Resting in Jesus’ Arms

English: Damian. "Jesus Christ and St. Jo...

Beautiful imagery from Margaret Feinberg’s Hungry for God.  Speaking of John the beloved’s intimate relationship with Jesus, she says:

The imagery of reclining into Jesus’ arms is a glimpse into the closeness that develops when we spend sacred time with Christ.

Close your eyes and try to imagine the feeling of “reclining into Jesus’ arms.” Perhaps the best example we can draw on is that of a child sitting in a parent’s lap, being held and loved on. Not a care in the world. The ultimate peace and contentment.

We can have that feeling regardless of human relationships by spending “sacred time” with God and allowing the intimacy to

develop and grow.

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